For the last 25 years I’ve had a successful career in the field of cat behavior consulting. I am very fortunate, after all these years, to be considered a well-respected expert. I’ve worked hard in this profession and am very well-known in the field. So it’s very common for someone to come up to me […]
Author Archives
Meet the Two Loons!
Pam and Kae will be at the 23rd annual Southern Festival of Books in Nashville on October 14-16. The fesitval is located at Legislative Plaza and the Tennessee Capitol building in downtown Nashville. We’ll be smiling and waving from booth #30 so come and say hello. Festival hours are: Friday noon-6pm Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday noon-5pm […]
The yard sale
I have a love/hate relationship with hosting yard sales. They require a tremendous amount of work, your plans can be ruined by weather and you never really understand the whole pricing/haggling thing… at least I don’t. Although I’ve never gone to a yard sale myself I know there’s a sport to finding that treasure amidst […]
My Mommy Mii
The other day my children showed me a “Mii” they had created for me on their Wii. For those of you who are as clueless as I am, a Mii is a personalized character that you can create when playing the Wii games. My children had created their own and they looked adorable. The Mommy […]
Kae and Pam are guest-blogging again!
You just can’t keep us contained on our own blog. We’ve been asked to guest blog on a wonderful site called Insignificant at best. Read about how we each view the end of summer.
The problem with purple
There’s a rule in my house that nobody but me seems to follow: all permanent markers are to be kept in the drawer and are only for adult use. Having stepped on more than my share of crayons, colored pencils and other writing instruments, I laid down the law that anything capable of leaving a […]
The power of words
One night as I passed Gracie’s closed bedroom door I heard both of my children talking in there. They were discussing weather. The discussion then changed to tomatoes. I listened at the door because I was incredibly curious as to why my kids would be having a tomato discussion. It was that night I learned that […]
What changed me
This past weekend, as everyone knows, marked the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. On Sunday, I spent time talking with my daughter and answering her questions about the images she had seen on TV and the things she had been hearing the last few days leading up to the weekend. As we […]
The Two Loons do a guest blog!
We were asked to do a guest blog. So there’s no escaping the Two Loons. We’re starting to spread. Check out our guest blog called The Privacy Act. We have very different takes on how much privacy a mom needs in the bathroom. Thank you to Tracy at Book Room Reviews for being brave enough […]
Nothing good happens when Daddy brings home a doughnut
The day started out with Daddy announcing that he had a leftover doughnut from a meeting he attended the day before. Since my kids don’t see many doughnuts in our house, this news was met with squeals, jumping up and down and hugs for Daddy. The kids wanted the doughnut immediately but since it was […]