I had a craving for something sweet. Normally the only sweet things in my kitchen pantry are desserts that no one over 12 would want to eat. This week, because I had actually remembered to bring my coupons when I went grocery shopping, we had a box of cookies thanks to a seventy-five cents-off coupon. […]
Author Archives
Shopping with “the girls”
Bra shopping. As a young woman, venturing out to buy bras was fun. The hardest part was deciding between the lacy, dainty ones and the silky ones that made you feel as if you were keeping a very mysterious and sexy secret underneath your t-shirt. Well, those days are long gone now. At my age, […]
Career Day
“Just what do you do, Mom?” This is the question I used to get asked by my children on a regular basis. I understood and accepted their confusion. My job isn’t like anyone else’s and my kids alternated between being really proud of me and being really confused. I am a certified cat behavior […]
Shoe shopping
I spent yesterday shopping for school shoes with my two kids. It was also one of the hottest days of the summer. Why did I torture myself that way when I could’ve been lounging in the pool with the kids and being viewed as the good mom instead of the mean mom? Because I had […]
Memories hidden in a minivan
Ok, by now just about everyone knows that I have OCD. I try to clean everything, everywhere, every day. There is one area that does manage to escape my watchful eye though and that’s inside my minivan. I’m always driving my kids somewhere, whether it’s to school, baseball practice, baseball games, dance lessons, play dates, […]
The Flip-Flop Tragedies
In the Bennett household, flip-flops are a summer necessity. My kids squeal with delight the first time the thermometer climbs even one degree above 60 because they know we’re getting close to flip-flop season. Gracie and Jack love it when their toes have been set free! For me, flip-flops mean more nagging at the kids […]
A way with words
Pam here. One night as I passed Gracie’s closed bedroom door I heard both of my children talking in there. They were discussing tomatoes. I listened at the door because I was incredibly curious as to my kids would be having a tomato discussion in the first place. It was that night I learned that […]
Where’s the spellcheck?
Holy Cannolis Batman. Kae here. Just about the time I start feeling like I’m all hip and happening something comes along to remind me that I am techno-challenged. I was really impressed with myself. I was using a debit card on a regular basis, paying my bills online, e-mailing and adding computers to my network […]