Kae and I spent a wonderful weekend signing books at a baby shower expo. In addition to meeting soon-to-be moms, new moms, grandmothers, dads and lots of kids, we had the opportunity to do lots of people-watching.
The first thing I noticed was that several moms-to-be these days really celebrate and enjoy how much their “girls” blossom and expand. Now, since I am an adoptive mother and have never been pregnant, perhaps I don’t truly appreciate how difficult it is to keep those things harnessed, but there was truly a boob-a-thon going on in front of our table. And when several moms reached into their cleavage to retrieve their credit cards or cell phones, I had to look away. I guess that if the girls are going to balloon up that much you might as well take advantage of the fact that they provide extra storage capacity.
Next, I noticed that many very, very pregnant women had extremely long and elaborately painted fingernails. As I watched them struggle to pull credit cards out of their wallets I could only think of how quickly those beautiful long nails will go once the baby comes. In fact, I started thinking about how many “girly” things go out the window when you become a mom. Just the fact that you can take a shower and wash your hair will become a luxury. Where in the world would you find time to have someone paint flowers on your fingernails? As I watched one woman in particular, who had frighteningly long nails, I wondered whether she grew them that long just to be able to reach certain body parts when they needed scratching?
Thank you to everyone who came out to meet us. We loved meeting you and we hope that our book gives you a few laughs as you ride that roller coaster known as motherhood.