When Christi (my beautiful blue eyed and at the time blonde haired daughter that resides in the birth order sandwiched firmly between Matthew and Jessica) was in Junior High School she came home one day, slammed her backpack to the ground in front of my desk and unequivocally declared “I AM NEVER HAVING CHILDREN”.
Needless to say, I was somewhat taken aback so my response was “Well, Christina, what in the world.” She then proceeded to tell me that in the infinite wisdom of her private school they had shown the kids the child birth video in health class. You know, that wonderful video they have been showing for the last 35 years that takes the viewer through the various stages of love and pregnancy and then cumulates with a bird’s eye view of the natural birth of a baby. Yep, that’s the video that has crushed this Momma’s dream of grandparenthood before it even became a glimmer in her eyes.
This adamant and frankly somewhat frenzied conversation of women and what they do with their bodies cumulated in Christi asking “What kind of person intentionally does this to themselves” and then the crushing blow “and what kind of person are you that you not only did it once but did it three times!” And just like that, the glimmer that hadn’t even been lit yet was snuffed out.
I was pretty sure as the years moved on Christi would be less and less traumatized by the video, but it quickly became apparent as conversation were needed in the area of the opposite sex, their sometimes misguided intentions and the various consequences of their affections became necessary that Christi’s declaration during Jr. High was still in effect. Frankly, for the mother of a teenaged girl and then a college student, I was kind of digging the fact that worrying about this part of getting your child out of college was going to be easy.
15 years later and a very rocky start to her quest for motherhood, you can only imagine my joy when Christi called me and uttered the simple words, “We have a heartbeat.”
This grandma- to-be literally wept tears of joy and relief for hours.
So it is with great joy and yes a few extra tears wept while writing this, I proudly announce that Grandchild Number 2 will make his/her debut in September 2015!