Pam and Kae will be on tour in May with Cookies For Dinner. If you’re a book blogger and would like to participate, we’re looking for bloggers to post reviews, guest posts, interviews, and excerpts for this tour. PDF copies will be available worldwide, or print copies will be available for US residents.
Please click here if you would like to be included. Thank you!
Cookies for Dinner
By Pam Johnson-Bennett and Kae Allen
Ever wonder about the poop capacity of the average car seat?
Mothers don’t need another “how to” book on parenting. What they need is to know they’re not the only ones who stand on the supermarket check-out line engaging total strangers in potty training horror stories.
You’ll find plenty of books, relatives and friends who are happy to tell you what you’re doing wrong as a mother. Cookies for Dinner is the antidote to all that! Pam Johnson-Bennett and Kae Allen are two mothers who reveal their imperfections and embarrassments through a series of hilarious true stories.
Pam and Kae bravely tell about how one unexpectedly learns the poop capacity of a car seat, what to wear on Chicken Pox Island and what it feels like to have your toddler lock you out of the house while you’re wearing less-than flattering swimwear.
There’s also the fact that no one tells you that when nursing, your breasts will be treated like a fast food take-out window or that a ravenous infant can create more suction than industrial-grade vacuum cleaners. And, let’s not forget the appropriate technique for removing a crow that is found sitting on the diaper pail while you’re changing your infant’s diapers (hint… don’t use your child’s butterfly net) and how a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit can cause a pregnant woman to do strange things.
What do moms need? Laughter and the comfort of knowing you’re not alone on this roller coaster ride of motherhood. Whether you’re a young mother, experienced mom, mom-to-be, empty-nester, grandparent or still on the fence about becoming a mother, everyone relates to Cookies for Dinner It’s the perfect gift for anyone who will be, is now, has been or NEVER wants to be called… MOM!