On Friday February 27th, 2015 at 11:59 a.m., I lost my heart to my first grandson, Tanner.
He was born via C-section weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds 7 ounces. We all watched through the nursery glass as the nurse weighed him, measured him, scored him and bathed him with what I believe will be his ever faithful sidekick Dad (Chambliss to the rest of us) hovering right over her shoulder the entire time.
The second little Tanner was born, I felt the power shift. When Jess was a little girl I was in charge of her well-being, now it was Chambliss who took the lead in my little girl’s life. Now my little girl is a Mommy and I am happy to move into the second row and watch with amusement and amazement as my precious brown eyed girl starts her own adventures into the land of Motherdom.
Jess and Chambliss are the first and last say in everything that goes on with my little Mr. Tanner. It is their responsibility to decide what is best for their precious little one. Some would probably see it as an affront to all of their vast years of learning in the arena of parenthood but frankly I see it as a giant relief. I have already worried my way through 32 years of parenthood, so I am more than happy to pass that gauntlet to the new parents.
One of Chambliss and Jess’ first proclamations as the King and Queen of their new kingdom of Parentdom was that Tanner’s face would not be plastered all over social media. Okay, for a proud Grandma, this was quite torturous. In the month after Tanner was born, several of my friends had grandchildren and were posting proud grandparent pictures with reckless abandon and I have to say, even though it is an evil emotion, part of this Grandma was very jealous.
But here is my stand in the Grandma department—I have already raised my kids. I have sat up nights worrying over all the dangers that could befall my child large and small. I have dealt with people that not only had their opinions of how I should raise my children but would outright intentionally go against what I said as a parent because it did not fit what they thought should be done. So here is my pledge to all of my children as they cross the threshold into parenthood—I don’t care what proclamations as King and Queen of your Parentdom you make. I, as the ever loyal Grandma, will do whatever you ask. If you believe that your child will be safe from all the dangers of the world by wearing purple socks every day, my only request is that you enlighten me fully on the exact shade so that I can stock up all the drawers in the house so our little ones never go one minute without the full protection they deserve.
With this being said and in light of the fact that I will always be the ever resourceful Grandma, I asked if I could put a picture of Tanner’s foot on my blog for you all to see. I was rewarded with a YES!! So let me introduce you to my first precious little grandson Tanner. And yes, every inch of him is as adorable as his chubby little foot!
Motherhood was an amazing adventure for me. I enjoyed sharing stories of my triumphs and my failures through the years with anyone who would listen. Now I can’t wait to share my journey into the uncharted territory of Grandmotherhood.
Let the adventures begin!