Hey loon watchers! We’ve been on a blog tour and we love it. For once, we don’t have worry about what to pack or getting to the airport on time. If you’d like to see where we’ve been and what we’ve been up to, check out some of our stops.
“Will the Real June Cleaver Please Stand up” is a guest blog we did recently for ebook addict. So dig out your strand of pearls, sit back and enjoy.
“If it’s Gross and Disgusting, We’ve Touched it!” is a guest blog we did for Sarahbelle’s blog.
Be sure and check out the latest book review of Cookies for Dinner at Notes From the Rumbly Cottage.
Samantha March actually got us to answer questions about each other and the process of co-writing a book together. Check out the interview.
Another rave review from Karma for Life Chick.
We’re also over at Brooke Blogs if you want to check us out.
And if that’s not enough for you, be sure and see the rest of our upcoming stops at CLP Blog Tours.
Whew! We’ve been busy. In addition, Kae is off on another worldly adventure so stay tuned for some fun blogs from her. As for me? Well, I’m still trying to get the skunk smell off my dog and out of my house.
If you’ve been hesitating about purchasing your copy of Cookies for Dinner, there’s no time like the present. Come on, you know you’re curious about our most embarrassing mommy moments!