Since last August our family has made major changes in our diets. I had, for the last six months been trying to slowly transition my family toward organic foods and healthier eating. In August, it was time to totally cut the processed food cord and dive off the cliff. This change has been met with mixed results.
The positives: everyone in the family who needed to drop some pounds successfully did so. Everyone feels better and my kids have even learned to make healthier food choices when they’re not at home. All family members have found lots of foods they enjoy and have rejoiced in the fact that yes, we can still have pizza and that organic pizza actually tastes great. For my children, going organic created a terrifying fear of no more pizza, cookies, chips or chicken tenders. They were shocked to learn that organic eating didn’t require them to forage in the backyard for twigs and leaves.
The negatives: I actually have to spend more time in the kitchen cooking. My microwave is no longer my best friend. I also have to stretch the truth when asked what ingredients are in particular recipes. If Jack and Gracie even think I’m trying to disguise bad-tasting vegetables, grains or (gasp!) flax seed into their meatballs, they dissect the food on their plate until they’re convinced everything is truly edible.
The bottom line: My food bill has gone up by one-third, I feel like a novice again in the kitchen, I’ve gotten to know vegetables I had never heard of before and I’m getting really good at keeping a straight face when I fib to the kids about what they’re eating.
Bon appetit!
To read more from the Two Loons, check out our book Cookies for Dinner.